2 min readDec 30, 2022

On Friday December 30th, the Astronos team has officially made the decision to close the project.

The decision was made due to a magnitude of factors, the biggest one’s being macro economic conditions and the problems in the current cryptocurrency landscape.

It is our opinion that Inflation will take until 2024 to calm down and the Federal Reserve Bank will maintain higher interest rates until 2025, purposely triggering a recession so that FIAT can stay “Valuable”.

While many people thing of developers as robots, our human side can not in good conscience continue to promote and build a project in cryptocurrency while so many people are struggling to afford the basic necessities like gas & rent.

In short, the space is broken.

Tokens themselves are worthless, teams hype up projects knowing the later investors are the ones that make the early investors rich (AKA a PONZI SCHEME) and it has become the teams opinion that the only real project worth build is a blockchain itself rather than an overnight “pop up” token than any average dev can deploy.

The website, telegram, social media, ect. will be deleted on Jan 14th. 2023.

We encourage everyone to sell and we want to wish the best for all our amazing holders. You guys are the real lifeblood of the crypto space.

The team itself will not be leaving cryptocurrency itself but rather shifting direction into building an actual blockchain / wallet that focuses on anonymity and the international settlement of payments.

A message from NOS Labs to the community:

“This was without a doubt the hardest decision we have had to make in our career, and it was not made without hours upon hours of self reflection. Astronos was our first crypto project and it succeeded more than we ever imagined. This has been one hell of a ride and an experience we will never forget.”

— Love, NOS.




Astronos is a Reserve Currency protocol on Binance Smart Chain